Bald Eagles

Despite their name, these North American birds of prey are not bald. They got their name from their white heads that contrast with their dark brown body plumage! Bald eagles build the biggest nests in North America, reaching 2.5 metres in diameter.


Bald eagles are classified in the genus Haliaeetus, which translates to Sea Eagle. The Latin name for Bald Eagles is Haliaeetus leucocephalus, which means 'Sea Eagle' and 'white head'. There are two subspecies: the northern (Canada/Alaska) and the southern (USA).


Bald eagles are 'opportunistic' feeders, meaning they are not picky eaters. They usually hunt for fish, which they catch by swooping down close to the water and grabbing fish right out of the water with their sharp talons.


Bald Eagles have yellow beaks, feet, and eyes. Juveline eagles' whole body plumage (feathers) are speckled brown until about age 5 when they get their white head and dark brown body. Males and females have the same appearance, however, females are about 25% larger.


Bald eagles are found all across North America and are most commonly found near large bodies of water. In Canada, they are most commonly seen in Coastal British Columbia, but are found all across the country.


Bald eagles begin looking for their lifelong mate when they become mature at age 5. Eagles engage in elaborate courtship (aka flirting) where they lock talons (feet) then cartwheel and free-fall towards the ground! Eggs hatch in April/May, eaglets fledge at 8-14 weeks, and become independent 14-20 weeks. Bald eagles can live up to about 35 years old.


  • Bald eagle wingspans can reach nearly 8ft long, yet they only weight up to 15 pounds.

  • They build the largest nests in North America (2.5 meters in diameter)

  • Nests are used year after year until they're no longer usable

  • They have been observed to adopt baby birds from a different species

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